Types of Telemedicine and Features

Different Types Of Telemedicine And Their Features

Telemedicine is simply the application of technology to improve healthcare quality and extend healthcare services to more remote places. Initially, telemedicine was viewed as a technology that may assist in bringing healthcare services to rural and isolated places that lacked basic healthcare infrastructure.

Today, however, telemedicine has expanded to embrace a wide range of sectors and applications, including enhancing the quality of healthcare services for patients.

Let’s Take A Look At The Three Sorts of Telemedicine.

Telemedicine 6 encompasses all two-way communication tools and apps, including wireless tools, cellphones, and other telecommunication channels, according to the American Telemedicine Association (ATA). Today, video conferencing is an essential aspect of the telemedicine sector, while tools for sending and receiving still images, remote monitoring of vital signs via tech gadgets, health-related wearables, and other tools and technology make up the telemedicine and telehealth industries.

The Different Types Of Telemedicine in 2022?

Let’s not move on to a common question, “What are three different types of telemedicine?”

Now that you know the basics behind the telemedicine industry and its potential benefits for patients and healthcare providers, let’s not move on to a common question, “What are three different types of telemedicine?”

While there are many other types of telemedicine, the three most common are store and forward, remote monitoring, and real-time interactive services. We’ll go over each of these major telemedicine types in detail below, and we’ll go over the other types of telemedicine in the blog’s subsequent sections.

What Are The Three Different Kinds Of Telemedicine?

Let’s take a closer look at the major types…

1) Telemedicine with a store-and-forward capability

This is also referred to as “asynchronous telemedicine.” And, understandably, many people are curious about whatever type of technology is used in the asynchronous version of telemedicine.

Well, store and forward telemedicine work similarly to email in that patients share medical information such as lab reports, x-rays, and other health-related information with healthcare providers, who then share this vital information with specialist consultants such as radiologists or physicians who are located in another location. So, when it comes to asynchronous telemedicine, what type of technology is used?

It’s not dissimilar to how we all share ordinary emails; however, the significant distinction in this situation is that the platforms used to transmit such sensitive information have built-in security mechanisms and are HIPAA compliant, ensuring the privacy of patients’ records.

By providing easy and secure data sharing, store and forward telemedicine make it easier for patients, healthcare providers, and specialists to engage and collaborate remotely. The method allows patients to see the best doctors for their treatment, even if they are in

different parts of the country. Certain experts, such as radiology, dermatology, ophthalmology, and others, use this strategy relatively frequently.

2) Remote Surveillance

Another essential and extensively used type of telemedicine is remote monitoring, which allows patients to self-monitor their health using a variety of technology equipment that can measure and record vital signs. Patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes, asthma, cardiovascular disease, and others are particularly fond of this technique. Such patients require regular vital sign monitoring, and they can use advanced telemedicine technologies to record, monitor, and exchange their vitals with healthcare experts as needed.

Remote monitoring is not only a more cost-effective way to manage chronic conditions, but it’s also more dependable and enhances the quality of treatment provided to patients.

3) Interactive Services In Real-Time

The real-time interactive services are last in line for our main form of telemedicine. Surprisingly, this is one of the most common forms of telemedicine (in fact for most people this is the only approach of telemedicine). Patients can consult doctors and specialists one-on-one through video conferencing (which is where the term “real-time interactive” originates from) during the real-time interactive services approach.

This method allows patients to contact doctors directly for consultations, just as they would in a typical office setting. Patients can ask doctors questions about their concerns, and doctors can monitor any disease symptoms directly. The method employs HIPAA-compliant video conferencing software to assure patient data protection and confidentiality.

What Are The Other Three Kinds Of Telemedicine?

Telemedicine is a very fruitful field that has radically changed the face of healthcare in a short period. It has drastically enhanced the overall levels of healthcare service offered to persons around the world by enhancing the breadth and frequency of communication and information sharing between patients and medical providers. Improvements in the sector will eventually establish a global network of doctors and other health professionals who will be able to engage and educate their patients to unprecedented levels.

Some of its other kinds are:

Tele neuropsychology

It’s a sort of telemedicine that’s specifically designed to provide neuropsychological consulting to patients remotely, as the name implies (through telemedicine software like Clinic live or phone). Doctors can use video conferencing to conduct standard evaluation tests, diagnose, treat, and follow up with patients remotely.

Telenursing :-

Telenursing is a sort of telemedicine that provides patients with remote nursing care. Telenursing is quickly gaining popularity among chronic patients and caregivers due to its low cost and ease of use.

Tele pharmacy :-

In circumstances where it is impossible to contact pharmacists, telepharmacy is used to advise patients on pharmacological recommendations. This ensures that the patients’ medications are kept up to date, as well as phone recommendations.

Tele rehabilitation :-

Telerehabilitation makes use of technology to speak with patients and do clinical assessments and therapy. Video conferencing and webcams are routinely used to assist in communicating symptoms and clinical progress.

Each type of telemedicine provides a new way for clinicians to treat patients with effective and efficient care. They provide patients with more options and make it easier for them to acquire the care they need.

Why Choose Medley Med Telemedicine?

Healthcare providers can communicate with patients from the comfort of their own homes thanks to telemedicine by MedleyMed. Providers can exchange basic information and answer simple queries using web-based services like patient portals. Professionals can collect data from medical devices in the house, such as pacemakers, fetal heart monitors, and pulmonary systems, with more reliable connections. Patients can use patient portals to recommend health-related mobile apps or educational items like articles and videos. Patients can even have face-to-face virtual sessions with doctors from the comfort of their own homes.

MedleyMed has Telemedicine software that provides patients and doctors with a variety of features and functionalities to help improve the quality of healthcare services.

The MedleyMed contains the following features:

Patient App with a Big Impact

● Video conferencing in high definition

● Appointment times are flexible.

● Video conferencing with doctors and other healthcare professionals in a secure environment

● a large practice portal

A large practice portal

● Safe and dependable

● An easy-to-use and straightforward interface

● Reporting that is both detailed and interactive

Exceptionally adaptable

● Doorstep Delivery

● Doctors Personalization

● Reduced waiting time

Be it anywhere and anytime, your health should be prioritized. The emergence of digital technologies has provided healthcare practitioners and patients with a whole new set of changes to reimagine traditional ways of connecting. Be it any issue with your health and MedleyMed is here to your rescue.

What else do you need?

Book a free demo consultation call with MedleyMed now!

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